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How to set up initial values

Customize the link of your public form to share specific information with stakeholders.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a year ago

The initial values display a connected card in a public form. People that enter the form can view it, but can not edit it. It's especially useful if you need to share specific information with determined stakeholders through the form.

Follow these steps:

  1. To begin, add a connection field to the start form. It will contain the initial value.

Tip: You can show or hide this field on the form with a conditional.

2. Copy the link of the form's public version and open it in a new tab.

3. On the page's URL, type in a question mark [?] to the link.


4. Type in the field's name next to the question mark [?].


5. Next to the question mark and the field's name, type in an equal [=] symbol.


6. In your pipe, select the card you want to connect with another card. You can create this connection in the card itself.

7. Open the connected card and copy its ID number, located at the page's URL.

8. Great! Now, open the tab with your public form. Paste the card's ID number at the public form's link.


Refresh the page, and you're done!


It is possible to insert the field names in the form's URL because they are the field IDs themselves. However, if you add and delete a field or change a field's name, the ID remains identical to the first term you gave to it (the original name).

It is important to consider this, since the configuration will not work properly with duplicated or edited names. For example, a field named 1234 that was later edited to 12345 will need to have the ID 1234 added to the URL.

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