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Pipefy Connector: How to set triggers and actions for pipes
Pipefy Connector: How to set triggers and actions for pipes

Enterprise clients can use Workato to run customized integrations. Check this tutorial about setting up triggers and actions for pipes.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a year ago

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

Our Enterprise clients count on customized integrations to optimize their workflows. We use Workato to connect Pipefy accounts to other platforms, such as DocuSign, Google Sheets, or Salesforce just to name a few.

In this article, you will learn how to set triggers and actions for pipes using Workato.

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Configuring a card trigger

In the example below, we will configure a New card trigger. This trigger checks in real-time when a new card is created. First, you’ll need to select the “New card” trigger from the list available in the Pipefy Connector.

Card trigger connection

Once you select the trigger, you’ll need to provide a Pipefy Connection for the organization we want to allow the connector to check the create card events.

We can create a connection using two different authorization types:

  • Pipefy Login

  • Token API

For Pipefy Login, we need to provide:

  • Connection name: Give this Pipefy connection a unique name to identify the Pipefy Account connection.

  • Authorization type: Select the Pipefy Login as the Authorization type, and click on the Connect button.

The connector shows the Pipefy Login page to allow the user to select an account to create the connection.

Use the Token API when you aren't using the Pipefy Login system and instead using your company’s SSO login. In this case, you need to create the connection using tokens. You’ll need to provide:

  • Connection name: Give this Pipefy connection a unique name to identify the Pipefy Account.

  • Authorization type: Select the Token API as the Authorization type.

  • API token: Give the Pipefy API token that you can obtain from your Personal Access Token section in the user Account Preference in Pipefy.

  • Pipefy domain URL: The URL to your Pipefy organization domain.

Card trigger setup

Then in the Setup step, you can configure the trigger by selecting the Pipefy Organization and the Pipe you are a member of to start seeing the card creation events.

Save your setup and now it will trigger every time a new card is created in the selected Pipe.

📌 We have used the New card trigger in this example, but the process is the same for the other card triggers.

Configuring a “Create card” action

In the example below, we will configure the “Create card” action. This action creates a new card in the selected Pipe with the field values provided. First, we need to choose the Create Card action from the actions list available in the Pipefy Connector.

When you select the Create card action, Workato shows the action in use with a green mark on it.

To set up, select a Pipefy Organization and a Pipe to create a new card.

Once the Pipe is selected, the Connector shows the Start Form fields where you will be able to type the values for each Field to use the datapill.

📌 Datapills are values from the previous steps (triggers and actions) in the workflows. You can use these values as input for your actions.

Configuring the “Update card” action

This action updates a card in the selected Pipe with the field values provided. First, we need to choose the Update card action from the actions available in the Pipefy Connector.

Once you select the Update card action, Workato shows the action in use with a green mark.

Select a Pipefy Organization and a Pipe where you want to update a card in the Setup step.

Also, select which Phase of the Pipe you want to update a card since, in Pipefy, we can have different fields per phase.

When a Pipe and a Phase are selected, the Connector shows the fields where you will be able to type the values for each field to use the datapill values to update the card.

📌 Remember: For the Update card action, the Card ID is a required field. So, if you don't have the card ID, you need to retrieve it first using one of the Get card actions available.

Configuring the “Delete card” action

This action deletes a card in the selected Pipe. First, we need to select the Delete card action from the list of actions available in the Pipefy Connector.

Once you select the Delete card action, Workato shows the action in use with a green mark on it.

In the Setup step, you need to type the Card ID or use the datapill values from the previous trigger/actions to delete the card.

📌 Remember: for the Delete Card action, the Card ID is a required field. So, in this case, if you don't have the Card ID, you need first to retrieve it using one of the Get card actions available.

Configuring the “Move card” action

This action moves a card in the selected Pipe to another phase. First, we need to select the Move card action from the list of actions available in the Pipefy Connector.

Once the user selects the Move card action, Workato shows the action in use with a green mark.

In the Setup, select a Pipefy Organization and a Pipe where you want to move a card.

Also, choose which Phase of the Pipe you want to move the card since a Pipe may contain several phases.

Once a Pipe and a Phase are selected, the Connector shows the Card ID where you can type the value for it or use the datapill value to move the card.

📌 The Card ID is a required field for the Move card action. So, if you don't have the Card ID yet, you need to retrieve it first, using one of the Get Card actions available.

Configuring the “Get cards by field” action

This action retrieves a list of cards in the selected Pipe by the chosen field value as well. First, we need to choose the Get cards by field action from the list of actions available in the Pipefy Connector.

Once you select the Get cards by field action, Workato shows the action in use with a green mark.

In the Setup, select a Pipefy Organization and a Pipe where you want to retrieve the cards.

Also, select which Field of the Pipe you want to use as the filter to retrieve the cards. This field shows all the custom fields of the chosen Pipe.

After selecting the Field, you can provide the Field Value to be used in the search, typing a value, or using a datapill value from the previous trigger/actions.

📌 Remember that, currently, the Pipefy API returns up to 50 cards.

Configuring the “Get cards by phase” action

This action retrieves a list of cards in the selected Pipe that are in a specific phase. First, we need to choose the Get cards by phase action from the list of actions available in the Pipefy Connector.

Once you select the Get card by phase action, Workato shows the action in use with a green mark.

In the Setup, choose the Pipefy Organization and a Pipe which you want to retrieve the cards.

Then, select which Phase of the Pipe you want to retrieve the cards since in Pipefy, we can have several phases.

The Connector will call the Pipefy API to return a list of the cards based on your selection.

📌 Currently, the API returns up to 50 cards.

Configuring the “Get cards by title” action

This action retrieves a list of cards in the selected Pipe with the title value provided. First, we need to choose the Get cards by title action from the list of actions available in the Pipefy Connector.

Once the user selects the Get cards by title action, Workato shows the action in use with a green mark.

In Setup, select a Pipefy Organization and a Pipe where you want to retrieve the cards.

Also, you need to provide a Card Title by typing a value or using a datapill value from the previous triggers/actions.

📌 This action does not require the full title of the card, so you can search for cards using keywords For example: a card with the title "purchasing office supplies" can be found using the words "office supplies."

📌 Since the Card Title is not a unique identifier in Pipefy, the Connector may return a list of cards instead of only one card.

If you don't find any card by the title provided, you can create a new one. In this case, you have to select the Yes option in the Create card if no cards were found field.

Then, it will show the Start Form fields where you will be able to type the values for each field or to use the datapill values to create the card.

Configuring the “Get cards by ID” action

This action retrieves a card in the selected Pipe based on the Card ID provided. First, we need to choose the Get Card by ID action from the list of actions available in the Pipefy Connector.

Then, Workato will show the action in use with a green mark on it.

The next step is to select a Pipefy Organization and a Pipe to retrieve the card.

Type the Card ID or use the datapill values from the previous trigger/actions of the card you want to retrieve.

📌 The Card ID is a required field for this action. So, if you don't have the card ID, you need to retrieve it first using one of the Get Card actions available.

Also, when you provide a value for the Card ID field, the datapill will show the list of fields that the card has to be used as values for the subsequent actions in your workflow.

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