Allowlisting certain IPs and domains when receiving emails is a security measure aimed at ensuring that only trusted sources can deliver messages to a recipient's inbox.
This practice involves configuring email servers or filtering systems to accept incoming emails only from predefined IP addresses and domains that are considered safe or authorized. In this article, we'll show you how to allow Pipefy IPs and domains.
What do I need to get started?
First, you need to have our list of IPs and Domains. You can find the content here. After that, you'll need to access your mail server, here in this example, we're using Umbler.
How do I add IPs and domains?
After the previous step, you will find the option corresponding to Allowlist. In this case, within the platform, the path is:
Email > Antispam > Allowlist
When you reach this option, you can enter the data that will be released. In this case, I'm including:
After saving, the allowlist configuration process is finished.