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How to clone a pipe

Pipefy enables users to clone a pipe inside a company or across companies

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over 3 years ago

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

🔔 Attention! To clone a pipe, either within a company or between two companies, you need to have admin permission in the pipe you want to clone as well as permission to create a pipe in the company.

Given that you have the necessary permission level, it is possible to clone a pipe in two distinct ways: by accessing the pipe itself or by the home screen, where you see all of your processes.

On the home screen, hover your cursor over the pipe you want to clone, click on the three-dot icon, and then select Duplicate this pipe. When it's done, the pipe is cloned directly into the same company.

However, inside the pipe, you can clone pipes to other companies you’re already a member of inside Pipefy. The first step is to click on the Gear icon located in the upper right corner of the screen to open settings.

Select the General tab.

Inside the Pipe Settings, select the option Clone to. If you are a member of different companies, select from the options the company in which you want to clone your pipe and wait a few seconds while the copy is created.

🔔 Attention! Cloning rules:

Cloning a pipe will clone the entire pipe structure, which includes phases, fields, automations, conditional fields, and email templates. Connected cards and fields cannot be cloned yet. The cloned pipe will have “(Copy 1)” at the end of the name to be identified.

If one or more pipes are connected, they will be cloned together automatically (automations associated with other pipes do not clone, they must be connected).

However, if Pipefy understands that the automation can be broken for some reason, the automation rule will not be cloned. For example, if a field in the start form is made mandatory after the automation rule is created and the same field's autofill remains blank in the rule.

Another point of attention is the Connection Fields. As they are not cloned, automation is cloned without the field being present. This can break automations that use a connection field as a trigger event or as a conditional for some rule.

Besides, if there is any connection field in conditional fields, the conditional will be cloned as blank. Therefore, check if the pipe in question has connected fields with conditionals before starting cloning.

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