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What is flow view

Observe every detail about your process and modify them if necessary.

Ian Castelli avatar
Written by Ian Castelli
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

With the flow feature, you can see all of your process' input sources and phases in detail, giving you a better understanding of what to improve.

In this same tool, you can create, edit, and delete phases and fields.

It is also possible to move phases left or right, changing their position in the kanban view.

How it works

To access the flow feature, click on Settings in the header, and select the flow tab.

On the left side, you find input sources (where information about requests comes from), so you can start your process. Usually, it's from the Start Form, but emails, automations, or integration can also insert data at the beginning of your flow.

And on the right side, we have your process, with all of its phases and the fields of each form.

Use the zoom in/zoom out button to see more details or an overview of your process.

With the flow arrows, you can see the next steps of the phases and how they are related. The start form will always lead to the first phase.

How to edit phases through the flow

Move your cursor over it, and click the pencil-shaped button.

To change its name or color, just click on its title.

Edit the Start Form in the flow view

Move your cursor over the start form block, and click on the pencil-shaped button to edit its fields.

To make the start form public or private, click on the on/off button.

Copy its link and share it with your stakeholders.

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