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How to delete cards in mass via API
How to delete cards in mass via API
Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

🔐 Available on all plans

🎯 For those who want to bulk delete cards

⏩ Content Summary:

Learn how to make the most of Pipefy’s API to delete many cards at once:

  • Create reports in the pipe to extract cards’ IDs to be deleted;

  • Use mutations to delete cards;

  • Perform the above actions without exceeding your plan's allowable volume.

How to delete cards in mass

You can delete it using Pipefy’s API (GraphiQL) to make queries and mutations (actions) in your processes. Learn how to use Pipefy’s API.

📢 Keep in mind: To be able to use the API, you have to have administrator permissions in your organization. Learn more about roles and permissions in Pipefy.

You’ll be doing a bit of coding here, but this article includes all the necessary steps to make these updates.

Steps to delete cards in mass

First, find the pipe containing the cards to be deleted; you will need to perform a few actions in it. You will also need to open Pipefy’s API.

🎥 Check this video recorded by our Support team to learn more about it:

Inside the pipe containing cards to be deleted

You will need the IDs of the cards to be deleted. It’s not necessary to access them individually; you can create a Report with a defined parameter and export the CSV archive.

This action will create a new report with the predetermined parameters.

Clique the column selector to add the IDs of the cards.

Export the report and use the IDs in the construction of the mutation.

💡 Tip: You can save the report for future use, saving yourself or your team time and work if more card updates or information are needed again.

In Pipefy’s API

Access the API and follow the instructions below.

With the information you now have, you can build a mutation by copying the spreadsheet or replacing your card IDs manually.

N1:deleteCard(input: {id:Card ID})
N2:deleteCard(input: {id:Card ID})
N3:deleteCard(input: {id:Card ID})
N4:deleteCard(input: {id:Card ID})
N5:deleteCard(input: {id:Card ID})

The mutation must look like this:

After running the mutation, on the right side, you will see the results of the success of each deleted card:

📢 Keep in mind: Be careful when making updating in mass, as it’s possible for the API to exceed your plan’s volume. Learn more about plan limits.

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