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How Pipefy enumerates automation jobs vs. automation rules
How Pipefy enumerates automation jobs vs. automation rules

How Pipefy counts automations in your plan.

Ian Castelli avatar
Written by Ian Castelli
Updated over a year ago

👤 For all users

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🎯 For those who want to understand how Pipefy tallies automations in each plan

⏩ Content Summary:

Understand the difference between automation jobs and automation rules, and how Pipefy charges for them.

In Pipefy, we have:

  • Automation jobs (actions and events)

  • And automation rules

Automation rules

Automation rules are the automations you create in a pipe. This refers to automation events and actions that result from those events.

For example, you can create an automation rule for an email template to be sent to a designated approver whenever a card enters the approval phase in a process.

There are no limits or charges to automation rules. This means you can create as many automation rules in your pipes as you’d like.

There are limits and charges for automation jobs, however, according to your subscription plan.

Starter (Free)




Automation jobs per month




15 MM

Automation jobs

An automation job occurs whenever an automation is run in any of your pipes.

This means that an automation job occurs whenever a trigger is activated, even if that trigger doesn’t result in an action.

What does Pipefy count as an automation job?

In essence, automation jobs are counted whenever the event configured for that automation rule is triggered.

This does not necessarily mean that all automation jobs represent an action happening in Pipefy, but that the defined rule is being verified.

Let's assume you have an automation rule in which the priority field is automatically updated to high whenever John creates a new card.

In this case, consider the following scenarios:

  • New card created (created by John) > Priority field updated to High = Automation jobs consumed: 1

  • New card created (created by someone else) > Priority field NOT updated = Automation jobs consumed: 1

This happens due to the verification step that Pipefy performs every time the event marked in the rule happens. The verification itself is an automation job, even if the action doesn’t happen.

If you exceed your monthly limit, you can buy automation add-ons or upgrade your plan. Check our pricing page to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check my monthly automation jobs volume?

🔔 Attention: To access your automation job usage data, you must have administrator permissions within your organization’s Pipefy environment. Learn more about roles and permissions in Pipefy.

To check the volume of automation jobs you consume per month, go

to the Usage stats page where you can keep track of how many jobs you use in real time.

How does billing work for recurring automations?

Recurring automations have relative dates, used in activities that always occur at the same frequency. As you define a specific time for this automation (based on minutes, hours, or days), the verification step, which generates the automation job, will follow the same.

For example:

If an automation occurs every 30 minutes, the verification process will happen every 30 minutes. As a result, a new automation job will be charged every 30 minutes.

How do I ensure my automation will work so I won't be overcharged?

Test every new automation you set, and any time you make changes in a pipe. Double-check when you add, edit, or delete fields in forms and phases, set new alerts, or delete the existing ones. Also, removing people from the pipe can break your automation.

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