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How to autofill fields

Automatically fill cards or records with information from other pipes or databases.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Who can use this feature

  • Pipe members and admins

  • Available to paid and free plans

Before you start

What is autofill?

This is an advanced connections option that automatically pulls data from other pipes or databases and inserts it into cards.

How to set it up

First, connect the pipe or the database you want to pull data from.

Click Add connection.

Next, in the connection settings, click on advanced options.

Then, click the switch button to enable autofill.

After enabling the autofill setting, a new menu will appear to select which fields from the connected pipe or database will provide the autofill information.

Click the plus-sign button and select the matching field option.

For example:

  • For an employee onboarding pipe that’s connected to a recruitment pipe, select fields like name, email, and phone number to extract and fill the onboarding start form fields.

It’s also possible to type in a fixed value so fields will always be filled with the same information.

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