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Connect different processes automatically
Connect different processes automatically

Make the most of your team's time by allowing them to work simultaneously on parallel tasks.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

This feature is recommended for those who want to:

  • Increase team efficiency and allow them to work on different pipes at the same time;

  • Make the process more dynamic, and distribute demands to other teams without having to do it manually.

Before creating the automation, you must connect the pipes, creating a connection between the main process and the processes associated with it.

For example: connecting the Purchase Processes pipe to the Accounts Payable or Expense Reports pipes.

Create the automation

You need to be an administrator user to set up this configuration. Access the automation page in the main process and click on the Automation button, located in the header of the pipe. Next, click Add new automation.

On the left side, select the event When a card is created in the main pipe. As an example, let's use the Purchase Processes pipe.

Depending on your need, you can add a condition or not. In our case, we want the automation to take place only when the field "Do you approve the purchase?" is equal to "yes". So let's click on Add condition and create it.

Now, on the right side, select Create a new card or record connected as action. In this example, we will select the Accounts Payable pipe and match the fields from the source to the destination pipe.

This way, the destination pipe (Accounts Payable) will automatically pull information from the source pipe (Purchasing Process).

📌 To match fields correctly, they must the same type. Multiple choice fields such as checklist, checkbox, among others, must have the same options in both pipes. In addition, mandatory fields in the source pipe must also be mandatory in the destination pipe.

Finally, name the automation and save.

How to connect multiple processes automatically

Each automation creates only one card connected to a pipe. If you have five other processes that you would like to connect to the main pipe automatically, you need to create an automation for each one of them. Follow this same step by step and repeat the operation.

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