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What are canned responeses

Learn how to set up Canned Responses for your cards and Email Templates.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Keep the most common replies that you use on email messaging stored in your Pipes, saving time and delivering always an efficient and standard communication to your clients or suppliers.

If you still don't know about the Email Message feature, click here to learn it.

Canned responses are a list of predefined messages that you use frequently to send or reply to emails inside Pipefy. You'll be able to select an option from a list and it'll be automatically filled on your email editor so that you can change it if you need, or just confirm sending the message.

To use canned responses your first need to configure it. They are related to each pipe, so customize your responses on the pipe you wish to use it.

Open any of your cards on any pipe, and simulate sending an email, as shown below:

If you already have canned responses configured they will appear on the list as shown above, then you just need to select the one you want to use. To make it easier to use on a daily basis, favorite your most used canned responses by clicking on the little star close to the response name (favorites will always appear first).

Create new canned responses, edit or delete existing ones by clicking on the "Manage" button inside the card.  On the image below, you can see the screen to edit your canned responses. To edit any of them, just click on the "Edit" button, to delete use the trash can icon, and to select it click on "Choose Response".

On this screen, for creating or editing a canned response, you'll have to fill three required elements: the name of the response, the category to which the response belongs, and the body of the email that will be sent once the response is selected, as shown below:

After filling these three items, you only need to save your response and it'll be ready to use. Keep in mind that you can apply dynamic fields in the body of the email to autofill the topics of your choice with specific info, such as dates, names, links and much more. 

This way, it’s possible to save even more time and send a customized email in a few seconds. Remember that you can always edit the message before sending the email, so don't worry if you need to make changes, that will be possible.


  • You must have Pipe Admin permission to create and/or edit the Pipe's canned responses;

  • Name, category and body text are required to create a canned response;

  • If you're using Email signature, your canned response will always be inserted above the signature.

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