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Setting an email template as a default

Use this tool to standardize your email communication and gain even more agility in your processes.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

With Email Templates, you send standardized emails to customers, suppliers, and employees directly from Pipefy.

If you want, you can define an Email Template as default which allows you to compose new messages in just a few clicks.

To do this, you need admin permission since only administrators can configure this.

Let's start!

Click Emails in the header of the Pipe.

In the next screen, select Email settings.

In Email Templates, select a Default email template.

Choose which one you want to set as default and save it.

If you haven't created any Email Templates yet, click on Create new email template. Follow this tutorial and, when it's ready, select it as default.

When accessing your Email Templates, you will see a Default template label right next to the chosen one.

With that, all emails you’ve manually created before will contain the same settings as the Email Template chosen as default from now on.

While creating an Email Template, you can set it as default too. Just click on the button Default email template and follow the exact instructions above.

How a default Email Template works

By setting an Email Template as the default, all new emails that you manually compose into a Pipe will have the same settings:

  • Recipient

  • Sender

  • With a copy (Cc)

  • With a blind copy (Bcc)

  • Subject

  • Email body (the message itself)

The only difference amongst new emails will be the content of the dynamic fields, those that we add to pull information directly from a card. Therefore, even though they come from the same template, the email can vary.

With that, you can send mass amounts of custom messages.

See this example:

📌 Unfilled fields will be blank in the email.

How to compose an email with this feature

Go to the email area of your Pipe and select Compose email.

Choose an available card, check if the message is correct, and click on send.

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