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How to create dashboards

Build data charts to generate visual and detailed reports.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Who can access dashboards?

If you’re new to Pipefy

Read this article to learn more: What are dashboards?

How to create a dashboard

1. Access the Dashboards tool in your pipe's header.

2. Click Create dashboard.

Then, click Add chart.

4. A dashboard is composed of one or more charts that analyze specific data. To create a chart, you have to choose:

  • A measure

  • A dimension

  • A time group

A measure is the numeric data from your pipe, and a dimension is the qualitative data (card titles, assignees, etc).

A time group is the period of analysis. If you don't select one, Pipefy will consider all data since the pipe was created.

5. If you want specific data, add some filters. This option appears after you define a measure, a dimension, and a time group.

6. Then, select the presentation mode, or the way you’d like your data visualized. Options include a table, a bar, a pie, or various other chart formats.

7. Save the chart and preview it in the dashboard.

Practical examples

To analyze the purchasing process and get the total amount spent by departments, select:

  • Measure = total cost

  • Dimension = department

  • Time = all time

To see how many candidates were approved last month in a recruitment process, select:

  • Measure = cards count (since each card corresponds to a candidate)

  • Dimension = current phase

  • Time group = in the last 30 days

  • Filter = current phase equals offer accepted

In a sales pipeline, verify each vendor's performance in the past week by selecting:

  • Measure = cards count

  • Dimension = assignee's name

  • Time group = created last week

How to check chart details

For additional visibility into the data that’s included in your chart, you can also zoom into card details to see where the chart information is coming from.

Click on the columns, charts, graphs, tables, or whatever data visualization presentation mode you are using to open card details. Then, click on the URL to access the card itself.

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