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Getting started with interfaces

Learn how to create, edit and share Interfaces with your teammates and build custom data visualization inside Pipefy.

Fernanda Cunha avatar
Written by Fernanda Cunha
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

📢Keep in mind: This Interface beta version is still undergoing testing before its official release.

In any process, stakeholders require different information at different times. For example, IT managers may need to approve requests from various departments in a centralized place, employees may need to update their personal information without seeing other employees' data, or procurement leaders may need summary data from an entire cost center area.

Whatever their requirement, they don't need to access all your pipes or databases to take action. Accessing everything at once, given how much information is contained in each pipe, would be overwhelming. This would slow the process rather than drive it forward. This is where Interfaces come in!

Introducing Interfaces

Interfaces allow you to share the precise information you choose with your stakeholders with customizable pages, tables, and fields. Gather data from your pipes and databases to design engaging pages to centralize all the information into one place.

Creating Interfaces

Select Interfaces, located at the top of the Pipefy home menu.

When you enter Interfaces, you will see all of your company’s interfaces. Currently, you can have up to 15 Interfaces per organization. Pipe admins can build and edit them.

Members, company guests, and external guests can access and view Interfaces, but you can use conditionals to ensure that only the pertinent data appears for each user.

Click on "Create interface" to start building a new Interface. You can define the icon and color of the Interface at this point.

Before getting into the details of building your Interface, check out a few key concepts that will help you along the way:


Each page is a space to gather, organize, and store various types of information to present to stakeholders to help them navigate the Interface. They are customizable parts of an interface and can contain elements such as text, tables, or pipes.

Click on Add page to start a page from scratch.


Elements are different types of information you can add to a page. Just drag and drop the element you want into the page, and start customizing. There are two types of elements currently available: records and text.

Data elements

Data elements allow you to display structured information from cards and records that can be filtered and updated. You can retrieve data from multiple pipes and databases to build your ideal Interface.

Just drag and drop the Data element into the page to show records.

Then, select the pipe or database source from which you have administrator permission to display records.

You can filter the records you want to allow stakeholders access to based on data integrity and security. Also, it’s possible to customize what users can see, including record details and specific information from the source, then sort the records according to your preferences.

Filter conditions

Filter conditions are especially useful if you want to restrict data. Let's say you just want people to see the information that directly relates to them. In this case, click on Set Conditions to show specific records and No conditions yet.

Here, you will create conditions to show or hide information in an Interface. You can filter the data by phase, field, value, or card attribute, such as assignee, title, or creation date.

Next, choose the condition. In this example, we want to customize the interface to be dynamic for each person with their own created cards. To do this, we'll use the filter Current user to make only cards or records specific to that person visible.

For filtering only the cards a user has created, we'll add the filter "created by email" is "current user."

💡Tip: The "current user" condition can be applied to records and cards created via the start form, company portals, public portals, or public forms with the request tracker enabled to denote who can see each record. It can also be applied to fields and attributes such as Assignees or Email.

By doing this, anyone in your organization will see only the information they need as you simultaneously protect irrelevant or confidential data with a dynamic Interface.

Keep in mind: you can add records from different pipes and databases into the same Interface page. Just drag them across the page to customize the Interface in any way you’d like, with visibility and control of what is shown.

Record details

In Pipefy, record templates, or record details pages, are an essential aspect of processes. They are represented by cards in a pipe or a record in a database. With Interfaces, you can customize these pages to show more information about specific tasks when users click on them. Record template pages let users:

  • See detailed information about a task, such as its fields and data.

  • Take action on a task by editing its data.

  • Work with related data using connected tasks or records.

By default, record details are disabled in a new Interface. However, you can enable and customize the layout to show more details when users open a specific record, as when opening a card or a record in a database.

Customizing a record template (record details page)

To customize the template, drag and drop the field you want to show on the page. For example, suppose you are creating an Interface for stakeholders with a process with sensitive information you wish to hide. In that case, you can display only relevant fields while keeping the confidential information of the process hidden inside the pipe or database.

Each field in Interfaces can be independently set up. This means you can customize how a field appears on the record details page and decide whether collaborators can edit it or keep it read-only. This flexibility allows you to create dynamic interfaces for process monitoring or restrict editing on specific fields. If a field is editable, all changes within that field on an Interface will apply to the original database or pipe.

You can also add other records or even a text element inside a record, which we'll cover next.

Text elements

You can drag and drop texts into an Interface with the same method you use for data. With texts, it's possible to divide pages and create better information sections with titles and quick explanations. It also allows you to provide more details about the data displayed.

You can edit the text with headings, change its colors, apply bullet lists, insert links, and adapt it to fit your scenario. You don't have a limit on text elements, so feel free to add the information you need to your Interface.

With texts and records, you can build Interfaces easily in just a few steps.

Members and permissions

You can also manage the permissions of each member of your interface.

To create an interface that only managers can access, for example, it’s essential to customize the permissions of each member accordingly to ensure data security.

There are two types of permissions:

  1. Admin: People with this permission can edit the interface, even if they have not created it. Super admins, admins and members can be interface admins.

  2. Editor: People with this permission can interact with the interface, depending on their permission level. Super admins, admins, members and guests (internal and external) can be editors.

To edit the permissions of your company’s interface:

  1. Click Interfaces on the home page, and choose the interface with the access permissions you want to alter.

  2. Next, click Edit interface, at the right top of the page.

  3. After that, select Share.

  4. Then go to Invite members and type the name of the person whose permissions you want to edit.

  5. Lastly, select the kind of permission you want to grant them.

That’s it! Permissions updated.

Use Cases

Check out a few Interfaces ideas below:

  • Procurement: Teams can work jointly on an interface containing supplier records for a product category. It speeds up outsourcing and streamlines the financial supply chain within the Finance department.

  • Finance: Collect the number of reimbursement requests approved per cycle into one place. You can categorized them by type,even if they come from different processes. This will grant finance analysts the abilityto check which and how many requests are pending approval and perform actions using only record details.

  • IT: Teams can share a page with leaders to display a list of the equipment or software employees use, providing visibility into the tech stack.

  • Human Resources: Recruiters can centralize candidate records for open positions and update their information as the recruitment process progresses.

The possibilities are endless. Interfaces cater to many different kinds of use cases and audiences.

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