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What is list view

Use the List view to manage high volumes of information.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

While managing a process, you can switch between different view types and handle your pipe's information as you want.

A List is a type of view that enables you to take almost every information contained in a pipe and display it as a table of records that you can filter and show or hide columns.

For example, card title and subtitles, phases, assignees, dates, labels, and more.

This view is great for handling processes that have a large number of activities (or, cards) — allowing you to view them on a single screen, and without having to click on cards to access its information each time.

How to choose the list view?

  1. First, access your pipe.

  2. Then, on the pipe's header, click on Kanban, which is the default type of view that comes with a pipe template.

  3. Switch from Kanban to List.

Now, when you come back to the pipe, you will see it as a list, unless you switch it to Kanban again.

How to customize this view?

To view more details about a card, click on its phase, title, or any other information in a row.

And, to customize the information you want to see in your List, click on the icon that resembles columns.

Then, check (or uncheck) the columns you want to show or hide.

In a List, you can filter, automate, integrate, and perform the same actions as in a Kanban board. Connections between pipes and databases, however, are not displayed in the List.

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