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Managing cards in a pipe

Cards gather different types of information to carry out the process. Here is how to create, edit and delete them.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Cards are the key piece of a process because they carry all information necessary to achieve your goals.

A card can represent a request, a sales opportunity, a new application, or a payment order.

You'll move them through the pipe's phases every time they are ready to go forward or need to go back to gather more data, for example.

Usually, the pipe creates a new card every time someone on your team fills the Start Form.

But you can create cards in different ways too, such as connections between pipes, configured automations, integrations with other software, or with our own email tool. (See related content).

Is also possible to edit pre-existing cards, and delete them.

Here is how to do it:

Create cards

Click on the button with a plus sign, located on the pipe's footer.

The start form will open. Now, all you have to do is to fill it and submit when you're done.

📌 Note: As a default, Pipefy moves new cards to the first phase of the pipe, but you can edit the other phase's settings to enable users to move new cards in other phases as well.

How to edit cards

To edit previous information on a card, open it up and verify the data in the left side, that contains information from the start form and previous phases.

Find the data you want to modify and hover the cursor over it. A pencil-shaped button will appear. Click on it and modify the information as you need. Don't forget to save.

📌 You can only edit fields on other phases if this option is activated. When setting a form and adding fields to it, ensure you enable the option "this field is editable on other phases" in the field's editor.

To change a card's title, open the card, click on the title, type the new version, and click outside of it to save it automatically.

Add new fields to a card

All cards in a pipe contain the same fields, reflecting the phase fields. So, if you want to add new fields to a card, you've to edit the phase it is currently in.

There are 2 ways to do it:

1. Open the card and click on + to customize this phase fields. Select the field type you want to add, set it up, and save.

2. Open the card and click on Phase settings. Drag and drop the field you want to add, set it up, and save.

Delete cards

Open the card and click on the three dots button. Then, select delete this card.

After you confirm, that's it. The card is gone for good!

Be careful, though, because once you delete a card, you will lose all information inside of it.

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