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How to create databases

Keep useful information for your company's processes in a single place.

Grazi Sabatini avatar
Written by Grazi Sabatini
Updated over a week ago

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Our database is like a virtual library, where you can safely keep all the information essential to your company, such as product catalogs, suppliers, and clients.

Here is a quick tutorial to create a database of your own.

Create your database

Go to Pipefy's home screen and click on New database.

Give it a name and save it.

By default, your database is set as public. That means anyone with the link will be able to view it. If you want to change that, go to Settings → General → Permissions.

Create a table

Now, create a table to be filled with the data you want to save. For example: Contact name, phone, and email.

Start adding columns. Click on the button with a plus sign and choose the desired type field. For example, a contact's name can be input with the short text field.

You can choose if the field is required or not, so your stakeholders can't skip it.

And add a description, which can be a reminder or directions, for example.

You can activate or deactivate three options:

  • Custom validation: This field is used to validate data entries or search and extract information in texts. It follows the RegEx pattern.

  • Unique Value: Enable this option if you don't want duplicate values ​​in your database. For example: when two customers register the same email.

  • Minimal View: Enable this option to display only the field label as a URL. When someone clicks on this, it will expand and show more information. This is a good option to make your database more streamlined by "hiding" optional fields.

When you're done, click on save.

You can add as many columns as you need. Just repeat the step-by-step instructions above.

Columns presentation

Choose which columns you want to display in your table.

  1. Click on the columns button located in the upper right corner of the screen.

  2. Then, mark the options you prefer.

Create records

Click on Create record to fill your table with the data you want to keep in your database.

Repeat this process for each record, that is, for each contact or product you want to store.

To edit a record, click on it and then hover over the field you want to edit. A pencil-shaped button will appear. Click on it and edit the information.

To delete a record, click on it and then on the three-dot button that appears in the upper right corner.

📌 You can transfer data from spreadsheets to your database. Use the App Importer to do this.

Database settings

Go into Settings to delete your database, change its name, and define who can access it. Click the button with a gear icon, located in the upper right corner of the table.

Here you can also choose the summary layout that will appear in the connection between pipes and databases.

Differences between a public and a private database

  • Public: anyone with the access link can access the database and see information within it

  • Private: only invited members can access the database and see information

Database members and permissions

  • Administrator: can create, edit, and delete databases and records. Those who have this permission can also view all databases created in the Pipefy account, whether public or private.

  • Member: can create databases and create, edit, and delete records. Cannot edit or delete databases. Those who have this permission only see the databases they created or were added as a member.

  • Read only: cannot create, edit, or delete databases and records. Who has this permission can only view databases and export (download) data.


On the Tools button (located in the upper right corner of your database) you will find two options:

  • Export reports: click here to export all data from your database in an excel spreadsheet.

  • Add tags: click here to add tags to your records, giving you the ability to label high/low priority records, for example.

Create and update database records automatically

Ensure the teams in your company handle updated data in connected processes and databases without having to update them (manually).

Set up an event, which is something that will happen in one or more pipes, and trigger automation in a process or database that you specify.

As you can see, Pipefy's database is a safe, robust, and complete tool.

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