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Company roles and permissions
Lucas Lacerda avatar
Written by Lucas Lacerda
Updated over 8 months ago

🎯 For those who want to manage the company’s people and their permissions in Pipefy


Manage the roles and permissions of Pipefy users, ensuring that the right people have access to the proper information and actions:

  • Roles are different types of Pipefy accesses users can be granted based on company, pipe, or database.

  • Permissions are different actions available to those who have access to a company, pipe, or database.

  • Super admin, admin, members, company guests, and external guests have different permissions - see the table comparing each function.

  • You can customize the permissions of some roles in the admin dashboard, available in active plans.

What are roles and permissions in Pipefy

Roles are a type of access people have when accessing their company’s account in Pipefy. They can be personalized and vary on the level of company, pipes, and databases.

Permissions are actions people can or cannot execute in a company, pipe, or database, like inviting other users, creating pipes, or deleting database records. Each role has specific permissions you can personalize in the admin dashboard.

📢 Keep in mind: You need an active plan in your account to add people with different admin roles or use the admin dashboard. Learn more about Pipefy pricing.



People you add to your company’s account have a role, but they can have different roles in pipes or databases.

The predefined roles at the company level are:

  • Super Admins

  • Admins

  • Members

  • Company guests

  • External guests

🎥 Check out the video about permissions below:

📢 Keep in mind:


People you add to your company’s pipes can have the roles below:

  • Pipe admins

  • Pipe members

  • Ready only

  • Restricted view

The same person can have different roles in each pipe they belong to, depending on business needs and the rules set for each process. Learn more about pipe roles and permissions.


People you add to your company databases can have different roles:

  • Database admin

  • Database member

  • Ready only

The same person can have different roles in a database, depending on business needs and rules for each process. Learn more about pipe roles and permissions.


The admin, member, and company guests have standardized permissions that can be adjusted in the admin dashboard. You cannot alter super admins' and external guests' permissions, however. Learn more about the admin dashboard.

The company, pipes, databases, and automations default permissions are:



Super admin



Company guest

External guest

Invite people

Remove people

Access the members' menu

Access the admin dashboard

Create company reports

Access company’s activities



Super admin



Company guest

External guest

Create pipes

Delete pipes



Super admin



Company guest

External guest

Create databases

Delete databases



Super admin



Company guest

External guest

Access, create, edit, and delete automations

📢 Keep in mind:

  • In Business, Enterprise, and Unlimited plans, the number of people with super admin, admin, or member roles can affect charges.

  • Company guests or external guests will not generate new charges.

  • If a company guest creates a pipe (you can enable or disable this permission), they will become a member, which can incur charges. Learn more about Pipefy pricing policies.

Get inspired:

Human Resources

  • Add team managers as pipe admins in recruiting, onboarding, or vacation requests. They can manage people working on pipes, create automations, reports, etc.

  • Analysts responsible for executing activities can be members.

  • Add other users from your company as company guests to share request forms, centralizing all HR processes into one tool.

  • Guests can open requests via phone or tablet in our mobile app. Learn how users can open requests through their phones.

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